Yesterday, I went to my friend's birthday dinner and sat next to her roommate--a middle school teacher in my district. We hadn't met before this dinner, but we instantly started swapping stories of our little angels.
Her stories floored me. The issues that she deals with on a daily basis made my classroom issues seem so miniscule. I instantly starting thinking, "wow, I should have no complaints". She talked about her kids, their issues, and how much she adored them and loved helping them through each day.
When it was my turn to share, I talked about the tears, the shoe-tying, the band-aid giving, the handwriting, the short attention span of 7-year olds, and she immediately jumped to saying she'd have no patience for that.
She talked about how if each person is really doing the right job, he/she will know it and love it. She loves combatting middle school sass with her own quick remarks, and I love giving out stickers when a student sits in his chair for 5 minutes.
It brought me back to a quote another friend shared with me last week.
This has quickly become one of my favorite quotes, and I'm sure you can guess why.